Home Inspection Authorization

Thank you for choosing Duffy Home Inspections, Inc. Below you will find your home inspection contract. Based on the information provided on this website, you have the option to select to have a radon test with your home inspection for an additional fee. Please read the contract below, and select the service(s) you will be needing.
*If you would like more information regarding the benefits and/or necessity for one or more services, feel free to call us at 770-381-9637 and we will walk you through the best options for you and your new home.

Type your full legal name in the box above

Enter house number, street, city and zip code above

Enter the date of your home inspection

Enter the agreed upon fee above

Standard Inspection

Duffy Home Inspection Services Inc. agrees to conduct inspection for the purpose of informing the CLIENT of major deficiencies in the condition of the property, subject to UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY below. The inspection and report are performed and prepared for the sole, confidential, and exclusive use and possession of the CLIENT. The written report will include the following structural condition and basement general interior including ceilings, walls, floors, windows and insulation electrical, plumbing, water heater,kitchen and appliances heating and air conditioning and ventilation quality, condition of major systems, general exterior including roof, gutter, chimney, drainage, and grading It is understood and agreed that this inspection will be of readily accessible areas of the building and is limited to visual observations of apparent conditions existing at the time of the inspection only. Latent and concealed defects and deficiencies are excluded from the inspection, equipment, items, and systems will not be dismantled. Maintenance and other items may be discussed, but they are not part of our inspection. The report is not a compliance inspection of certification for past or present governmental codes or regulations of any kind (CODE citations for new homes and warranty inspections only). The inspection and report do not address and are not intended to address the possible presence of danger from any potentially harmful substances and including but not limited to radon, gas, lead paint, abets, urea formaldehyde, toxic or flammable chemicals, mold, and water/airborne hazards. Also excluded are inspections of and report on swimming pools, wells, septic systems, security systems, central vacuum systems, water softeners, sprinkler systems, fire and safety equipment and the presence or absence of rodents, termites, and other insects. Payment of the fee entitles client to one original of the written inspection report including photographs. Payment, in check, cash, or credit card, is due prior to the report delivery. The liability of Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc., is limited to the terms and conditions as set forth in this contract between Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. and the Client. Client expressly releases Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. from any and all claims arising out of the contract. Client represents and assures Duffy Home Inspections that Client has secured all approvals necessary for entry onto the premises to be inspected. Client further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. from demands or claims alleging a trespass upon the premises to be inspected. It is the responsibility of the Client or Agent to ensure the utilities are on at the time of inspection. Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. recommends checking for permits on all additional construction performed on the property after the original construction.


It is understood and agreed that Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. is not an insurer and that the inspection and report are not intended nor to be construed as a guarantee or warranty of the adequacy, performance, or condition of any structure, item or system at the property address. The CLIENT hereby releases and exempts Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. and its agents and employees of or from any and all liability and responsibility for the cost of repairing or replacing any unreported defect or deficiency and for consequential damage, property damage or personal injury of any nature. Client further agrees that, with the exception of emergency conditions, Client or Client's agents, employees or independent contractors will make no alterations, modifications, or repairs to the claimed discrepancy prior to reinspection by the inspector. In the event that Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. and/or its agents or employees are found liable due to breach of contract, breach or warranty, negligent misrepresentation, negligent hiring or any other theory of liability, then the liability of Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. and its agents and employees shall be limited to a sum equal to the amount of the fee paid by the CLIENT for the inspection and report. ARBITRATION: Any dispute concerning the interpretation of this agreement or arising from this inspection and report, except one for the inspection fee payment, shall be resolved informally between the CLIENT and Duffy Home Inspection Services, Inc. or by arbitration conducted in accordance with the rules of the recognized Arbitration Association except that the parties shall select an arbitrator who is familiar with the home inspection industry. The Arbitrator shall conduct summary judgment options and enforce full discovery rights as a court would as provided in civil proceedings by legal code.



The Radon Monitor being used to perform the radon survey of the dwelling has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for conducting radon measurements. The operator will conduct a radon survey for a minimum of 48 hours according to protocols designed for use in residences, as described in the EPA document, “Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon” (EPA 402-K-00-008). These guidelines were developed specifically to deal with the time-sensitive nature of home purchases and sales. EPA recommends that radon measurements conducted for real estate transactions be performed using tamper-detection techniques. Be alerted that the Radon Monitor is equipped with the ability to detect and record when the monitor is moved and anytime the power source is changed. Hourly readings will record any unusual swings in the radon concentration, temperature, relative humidity and barometric pressure. At his discretion, the tester may nullify the test result if it appears that, in his professional judgment, the results are unreliable due to the suspicion of tampering. In that event, the seller may incur the cost of a retest.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Surgeon General recommend ALL homebuyers have an indoor radon test conducted. Radon is a Class-A carcinogen and the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer estimated to cause 21,000 deaths in the U.S, annually. The Radon Monitor being used to perform the radon survey of the dwelling has been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for conducting radon measurements. The operator will conduct a radon survey for a minimum of 48 hours according to protocols designed for use in residences, as described in the EPA document, “Home Buyer’s and Seller’s Guide to Radon” (EPA 402-K-00-008). These guidelines were developed specifically to deal with the time-sensitive nature of home purchases and sales. I have fully read and understand the disclosure above and: I choose to have a radon test of the home according to EPA Protocol by a NEHA Certified Radon Measurement Professional for the agreed upon fee.

The following conditions must be maintained in order to achieve a valid test:

1. All exterior windows must be kept closed. Exterior doors must be kept closed except for momentary entry and exit.

2. The radon monitor cannot be moved, covered, or tampered with in any way.

3. High volume, whole-house, and window fans shall not be operated. Fireplaces or wood stoves shall not be operated unless they are a primary heat source.

4. Heating and air conditioning (including permanently installed heat recovery ventilators) should operate normally. Window unit air conditioners shall operate only in the re-circulation mode.

The “closed house conditions” described above must have been maintained for 12 hours prior to the beginning of the test and sustained all during the test.

I, as the undersigned responsible individual, understand all the above conditions and restrictions, and agree to inform all the occupants of this dwelling of the conditions above, and agree to maintain these conditions during the radon test period.

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Call 770-381-9637 to schedule your home inspection services
Duffy Home Inspection services Inc. provides home inspections in Cumming, Duluth, Suwanee, Lawrenceville, Dacula and surrounding cities in Georgia. We are a one-stop-shop performing radon tests, mold tests, thermal imaging, indoor air quality testing, and stucco inspections with your home inspection or as a stand alone inspection.